Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Developing Career By The Quality

Question: Discuss about the Theories of Leadership. Answer: Introduction This essay is about one of personal quality that is beneficial for the future career development. For the discussion, the quality of leadership is chosen. For the discussion, theories related to the leadership will also be used in this easy. Along with this, the essay will also focus on the importance of leadership as it is the strength for future development. There is the quality of leadership and it is the inner quality. Leadership can be described as the relationship between the leader and followers while achieving some purpose or objective in the organizations (Yukl, 2010). This relationship of leader and follower is symbiotic because the influence of the leader may take the organization towards the success. Leadership is important for bringing the change in the business for the desired future. Basically I have leadership quality which is the process by which a leader can influence the group of people to achieve the common goals. By the various definitions it can be defined as th e process which includes influences for the followers. I have the quality of leadership based on some basic characteristics (Zhang Bartol, 2010). The characteristics of the leadership based on Myers Briggs Type Indicator are given below. Myers Briggs Type Indicator According to Myers Briggs Type Indicator, there are eight characteristics of leadership in a leader. In the all eight characteristics, I have four main characteristics of leadership and those are as follows: Participative: The effective leader should be trustworthy and truthful to his followers. The leader should also maintain its character in front of the employees. I have honesty in my characteristics and that can be measured by degree of consistency which is present in my actions. Leaders have to coordinate with the people to manage the change in the organization. If the people and the employees of the organization are in the influence by me then I can be able to make them agree to implement the changes in the business operations if I am in the organization (Williams Foti, 2011). Goal-Oriented: The leader should be inspiring, cheerful, motivating and energetic about the future. I have the clear vision or dream about the future. I have the ability inspire the employees in the organization and to communicate to them about the vision and mission to achieve the set goals for the organization. I have the ability to allow various opportunities to the employees under me to convey their point of views. By giving the freedom of expressing the standpoints, I am able to easily understand the reason of conflicts among two parties (Wang Rode, 2010). Change-Oriented: The effective leader should be capable, efficient, and productive. It is related to the feeling of belief of the followers for their leaders that he would be able to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. It does not relate to having the technical ability of the leader. I have the ability to provide them the information about the required resources to improve the performance in the business (Samad, 2012). Visionary: The leader must have the characteristics of looking forward for the future benefits of the organization. Leader should be visionary and concerned about the future. He must have the knowledge of right directions. Employees should follow the leader by knowing that leader is doing right for them. For this, I will build effective work environment for everyone in which employees enjoy to do their work (Hurwitz Hurwitz, 2015). Along with the work relation, I have the ability to establish the personal relationships with others that is very important for the growth of career I have the ability to recognize the needs of people and I always try to complete the needs so that they work with the devotion and excitement (Roe, 2014). Personal Values Inventory Personal values inventory provides the idea of values having in the inner quality. Based on the personal values inventory, I have the values which match with the leadership quality. I have the values of self expression, moving forward, influencing power, honesty, empowerment, confidence, and loyalty. Theories Of Leadership There is the assumption that leadership is the skill and ability to manage and lead the people. There are many different views related to the leadership that leadership is the guidance for the followers and some thinks that leadership is to motivating to the members to getting the goals and objectives. Basically leadership is the process by which a person can lead to the group of individuals or a party to achieve some goals and objectives (Puccio, Mance Murdock, 2011). There are many theories related to the leaderships are those are as follows: Trait Theory It is the study of different qualities such as motivation, honesty, self-confidence, knowledge of business, ability to perform any task which drives that leader to the path to success. According to this theory, I should have the capability operate the organization. I have this quality of leadership because I have the courage to ask questions which are important for the growth and future. I have the quality of bravery, talent, self-belief, and strong emotional intelligence. So, I can be a strategic thinker for the organization. Behavioral Theory According to the behavioral theory, I should have the combination of heart and mind in the leadership style. I have the ability to build up the relationship with the associates and clients of the organization. By the behavioral theory, I have the styles of leadership to motivate the people and I behave like leaders on any particular situation (Gill, 2011). Contingency Theory The leadership depends on the situational factors and it is based on how leader reacts. According to this theory, there is no any proper way to lead the organization effectively. I have the quality to take care of the people and motivate them time to time. I have the ability to give innovative ideas based on the situation for the growth and success of the organization. Transformational Theory This quality of leadership is very helpful for the leader to influence employees in the organization. I can manage the people in such way that company gets good results in the market. There can be satisfaction among people because of the leadership style in me. These all qualities are the strengths for me because they are helping me to influence the people around me. Work based Competencies Skills Assessment Exercise During the workshop, I need to develop the management skills and competencies which are required for managing the organization. The skills were developed by the management training, organizational working culture and self learning or perception in the organization. The main competencies which I have developed are leadership skills, interpersonal skills, managing change, decision making, listening skills, negotiation skills, and problem solving skills. Second Commercial During my workshop, I got the training of 30 second commercial which has built my communication skills. The commercial is helpful to make the listeners aware about myself. It is also very helpful for me to express the impressive attributes. During the workshop, senior managers daily ask me to speak clearly with the confidence about myself in the 30 second commercial. This has increased the strength to face everyone in me. Leadership as Strength Leadership is the strength for me because it is helpful in influencing the people everywhere. I like to motivate others. Along with this, leadership is also strength for me because I can motivate the people and group by my visions, opinions and actions. Leaders motivate the employees by some innovative ideas and strategies to achieve the common goals and objectives. Leadership quality in me gives strength to accept all the responsibilities. Leadership also gives the strength to take right decisions for the welfare of the people. Leader builds me abilities to be prepared for the upcoming situations. Because of its strength, I can be able to improve the work conditions (Pan, Sun Chow, 2012). A proper leadership management is the reason of development in the business operations of any organization and it strengthen the situation of the organization in the market. It gives the strengths to me in dealing with instability, complication and the speed to get growth and success in the market. Because of the strength of leadership, I have the ability to take decisions in tough situations by my inspired thinking so I use the mixture of heart and mind while making the judgments (Parris Peachey, 2013). Challenges in Workshop There are some challenges related to the leadership that I can face in an workshop. Although the leadership quality is working as the strength but there are some challenges with his quality. Those challenges or problems are as follows: The one main challenge in leadership for me is that I cannot put pressure on the people to follow. I can motivate the people in the organization but I cannot say them to do any work forcefully. The part of me in the leadership is to develop the cultural values and ethics among the people but I cannot create the values forcefully. They will do what they like to do (Gibson Mumford, 2013). I can build the knowledge and skills in the people but I cannot make the people continual learner (Van Wart, 2014). So, leadership is the quality that can be seen as strength in someone but leader cannot force anyone to follow his or her guidance. Leadership is helpful to me getting the trust among the employees because leadership gives ideas to me in developing effective strategies to grow. But to achieve the goals, I should deal with the patients otherwise it will show the wrong impact on the others (Northouse, 2013). Contradiction in Leadership There can be contradictions because of the leadership. Although leadership is an effective way to gain some goal or objective, but there might be different thinking in the mind of different leaders. It can be understand by an example. The example is that there is an organization which needs change and it is the responsibility of the senior management as the leaders to implement the change in the organization. But there can be conflicts among the people for implanting the change. Every person is different and the perception of every person is also different (Antes Schuelke, 2011). During the implementation of change in the organization, there can be different decisions for the change process (Reiss, 2012). Along with this, there can be resistance among the people during the implementation of change. The reason of the resistance is that sometimes people are not ready to adopt the change. I have the skills same as leader such as visionary for future, awareness, information, ability to listen and decision making skills. With the theories of leadership such as traditional theory, contemporary theory, traditional theory, I can relate myself with the leader (Peterson, 2013). So, because of the different viewpoints of the people, there can be contradictions in the leadership quality of a person. The contradictions that can be happen are as follows: Due to various leadership, decision making process can be decentralized in the organization, and Organization can face lots of competition due to ineffective leadership; organization will face competition in the market. Learning from Leadership Leadership is an important part of the organization because there is the need to manage everything. Leadership is very helpful for me in the growth of the career. Along with this, it is also very important for me to achieve the particular goals and objectives of the career. The quality of leadership in me is very helpful in future of career (Stein Nelson, 2003). With the leadership quality, I am able to gain trust of the people around me. I will also be able to motivate the people in such way that they will try with their best in their work. In the work relations, I always try to identify the needs of people and also try to fulfill them. For the future growth and career, leadership is also very important (Mullins, 2010). There are many benefits of leadership and those are as follows: Leadership enables the business to create and develop more trusted relationship with others, Leadership Help to convince the business and organization and investors also for funding any project, In the challenging time and tough time, proper leadership encourage the employees to attain the goals, Leadership provides the ability to do negotiation in the complex situation, Leadership improves the corporate culture with the loyalty and retention, Leadership encourages team members and family members to overcome in tough times (Gumusluoglu Ilsev, 2009). Conclusion This essay was described on the one inner quality that is present in own character. For the discussion, the leadership has been taken. During the module, I found that I have the leadership quality. From the above analysis, it has been analyzed that Leadership can be described as the relationship between the leader and followers while achieving some purpose or objective in the organizations. This essay has been focusing on the importance of leadership as it is the strength for future development. Leadership is important for bringing the change in the business for the desired future. Basically leadership is the process by which a leader can influence the group of people to achieve the common goals. I have the quality of leadership based on some basic characteristics. There should be honesty in the characteristics of the leader and that can be measured by degree of consistency which is presents in the actions of the leader. Leader should be visionary and concerned about the future. He m ust have the knowledge of right directions. There are the theories that are supporting the importance of leadership. Leadership is the process by which a person can lead to the group of individuals or a party to achieve some goals and objectives. The leadership theories are behavioral, contingency, transformational, and trait theories that support the leadership in an organization. Further, leadership can be seen as the strength of an individual because a leader motivates the people and group by the ideas, beliefs and actions. Leadership gives strength to accept all the responsibilities. Leadership also gives the strength to take right decisions for the welfare of the people. Leader always allows me to give the chance to the people to express their thoughts and visions. By providing the liberty to the people, I am able to understand the viewpoints of others. Thus, from the above considerations, it has been analyzed that the leadership has the significant role for the success in the career and it is also important for the future relations with others in the workplace. References: Antes, A. 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