Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Video Game Effects On Childrens Development - 930 Words

VIDEO GAME EFFECTS ON CHILDRENS DEVELOPMENT It is believed the average gamer usually ages 13 and up spends up to 6.3 hours a day playing video games. That is an alarming rate, which concerns both the public and scientist. Through out this paper three different articles will be analyzed and their view on the impact of video games on children’s and adolescents. The first article to be discussed is â€Å"Prospective Investigation of Video Game Use in Children and Subsequent Conduct Disorder and Depression Using Data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children.† In this article research is done on how video game violence have affect a child’s behavior. They conducted this research by using self-report questionnaires; they started by asking children at age 8/9 years their game use. The type of video game played was assessed with the question: â€Å"Which types of computer games do you have at home?† Children were free to check any game that was applicable to them. Different game options wer e included in the questionnaire, the options differed from violent games like those that include firearms, blood and weapons, sport games, racing, puzzles, â€Å"and other educational or learning games. This questionnaire was designed this way to get the most precise results. The studies results indicated that playing violent video games in childhood has a weak association with an increased risk of conduct disorder in adolescence. They measured this by testing and investigating children who hadShow MoreRelatedGame over: the Effects of Violent Video Games on Children Essay1416 Words   |  6 PagesGame Over: The effects of Violent Video Games on Children Seven hours. That is the amount of hours a day the average American child plays a video games (Anderson 354), and with technology advancing and games becoming more graphic, the concern over a violent game’s effect over a child’s development is growing. 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There are more studies afloat that report the negative affects of video games over the positive effects until recently. Children and adolescents become addicted to video games easily so it is important to monitor what they are playing

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